Monday, November 7, 2011

Assignment: Write a Review! Due: Before Sunday, Nov. 13th

Just an example of a rating system.  Have fun.

Dear Students,

As stated below, I'd like to have a weekly assignment on your blog, from now until the end of the semester.  This week's assignment is to write a "Review" of anything you want.  Things to keep in mind:

  • Don't be afraid to use "I."  Your opinion should be the main vehicle of this assignment.  However, tying in other opinions that either confirm or disagree with your opinion can help move your argument forward.  
  • You don't have to like what you reviewing.  Maybe you aren't partial to the latest SNSD album.  Maybe you are.  Have fun discussing it - and be colorful.
  • Write like you would if you worked for a magazine.  Be personal and accessible, and avoid sounding words and academic.
  • No matter what you are reviewing, don't "over summarize" or include "spoilers."  Peak the readers interest, but don't bore them or spoil the surprises.
  • Include a creative rating system.  Use Photoshop if you have to. A good tool is an online Photoshop at
  • Try to make your introduction have a good hook.  Title your "review" to look like an article in a real publication.  Your goal is to get a reader's attention, get them reading, and not have them turn the page.
  • WORD COUNT: It's up to you! Too long or too short is something to avoid. 500 words seems sufficient.
Some good resources:
  • Metacritic - games, movies, music, TV etc.  This site aggregates critical reviews for an overall score.
  • Rotten Tomatoes - similar to the above site, you can find lots of one-liners from other reviewers in the case of a film.  Better than the above for films.
  • IMDB - If you review a film, it's always nice to have some interesting tidbits to strengthen your authority to comment.  Always be well informed about what you write.
  • Amazon - An excellent source if you are reviewing a book. 
  • Wikipedia - We've all been here. It's awesome.
  • CNET - a good place for tenchology reviews.  Apps, games, software, phones, cameras etc.
  • Youtube - Viral videos are also fun to review.  
  • Vimeo - Vimeo is basically Youtube without all the junk.  Creative short films etc. Check out the "staff picks." Always something interesting.
Google what you are going to review and see what's already been said.  Include pictures and videos etc. if appropriate.  Make it look nice.  Try not to choose something "hackneyed" and be creative.  You can review anything - iPhone apps, iPhones, Androids, fastfood, cup noodles, social networking sites, websites, etc. etc. etc.  As long as you have a well-expressed opinion that you are passionate about expressing.  As for rating people - that's where I'll draw the line.  Please do not rate your teachers or friends - that's weird. I know I'm joking in the picture above, but try and take the assignment seriously.

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